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GTA San Andreas 64kb !!! Try it !!

Posted by qwertyzone On 23.45 3 komentar

well.... di kompres pake KGB archiever dari 4gb ampe jadi 64kb.
bener - bener lancar waktu dimaenin, cuma waktu ekstraknya yang lumayan lama 4 jam lebih tergantung PC. Kudu dicoba !!!!

Recommended System Requirements
Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP processor (or better)
384(+) MB of RAM
16x DVD-ROM drive
4.7 GB of free Hard Disk space for a full install
128(+) MB Video Card with DirectX 9 compatible drivers ("GeForce4" or better)
DirectX 9 compatible Surround Sound Card
Game pad with twin axis analog controls (USB or Joystick Port)
Keyboard & Mouse

Direct Link :


3 Response for the "GTA San Andreas 64kb !!! Try it !!"

  1. Admin says:

    mas cara instalnya gimana...terus klo buat pentium 4 kira2 lamanya berapa jam...

  2. Anonim says:

    Mas QWERTY, GTA bya tap extract ampe 14 jam baru bisa ke exctract semua. terus pas mau install di setup ada tulisan "this program is not a valid win32 extention" trus pas mau q exctract yg winrar nya ada tulisan lagi, "this file can't be opened, the file can be broken or..." tu gimana ???? kompi q core 2 duo, pake windows 7 ram 4 gb.

  3. te says:

    mas cara downloadnya gimana?????
    ini gratis/bayar????